Zaha Hadid & Frank Lloyd Wright ….Do aspirations for reality begins in our drawings?

In my previous posts I mentioned the need to develop individual design tools as an important part of the design process I call “Conscious Inspiration”.

Zaha Hadid’s sketches and drawings are a major and familiar tool Identified with her exclusive architecture.

In this post I will share with you Zaha Hadid’s Inspiration Sources for her unique sketches and drawings.

I want to thank Livius

His blog “Livius’ Notes” was my inspiration for this post

Here is an interesting and relevant quote from Livius blog :

“I’m not sure that the use of softwares is equally favorable to the brain.
My teaching experience is that students of Today have less imagination. We live in an age where you no longer need to imagine, because any image is immediately available by Internet. The images are no longer thought: they’re consumed

Zaha Hadid’s Sketch for the spiral tower in Barcelona

more information about the spiral tower

you can find in

A typical Arabic-calligraphy

Note the similarity between the dominant curling line in the Arabic-calligraphy and Zaha Hadid’s sketch

It may not be coincidentally…. the spiral tower is designed in Barcelona Spain.

Considering Spain was ruled for – in some parts – up to 800 years by the Islamic Moors.

You are invited to visit a previous post of mine, dealing with Zaha Hadid‘s inspiration sources from the environment in which she plans.

Another Master whose drawings have inspired generations of architects, Is Frank Lloyd Wright.

The following Image is Frank Lloyd Wright‘s perspective for one of his inspiring buildings, the Kaufmann House, Known as the “Falling water“.

Frank Lloyd Wright‘s

perspective for the Kaufmann House

“Falling water” 1936

A typical Japanese Print

Do you feel the impact of the Japanese Print on Frank Lloyd Wright?

It seems like it enhances the Kaufmann House design.

What did I learn from this post?

I want to be helped with quotations by Lebbeus Woods, published in an article written by Jack Self appearing in the June 2010 issue of the Architectural Review:

“Drawings are not preparations for construction—in most cases they are the project. The act of rendering is the making of a version of reality”

“If architects wish to avoid obsolescence, they must reverse the de-politicization of architecture by the dominance of the beautiful, but meaningless, render. As architects, our aspirations for reality must begin in our drawings.

In other words our drawings, have an important role (a powerful tool) in our design process….

you are invited to visit my previous post examining Frank Gehry’s sketches….


in my Facebook

“Conscious Inspiration” the ultimate inspiration methodology

I invite you all to contribute in developing the attitude and tools towards the viability of the “Conscious Inspiration” Method.

The abundance of information in the Web affects us all, as I illustrate in my posts.

I believe that designing is a process formed from three main phases: knowledge, tools and invention.

Knowledge”: as many said, and wrote before – Knowledge is the foundation for all designing process. We architects and designers are obliged to be informed about everything that was designed in the past and on a daily basis….

Tools”: develop tools to analyze buildings and “Understand” them, tools that will cope with the abundance of architectural information… tools that encourage your planning process….tools matching your skills
and generating your creative process….

(You are invited to visit earlier posts of mine showing leading architects tools…. )

Invention”: with the methodology of “conscious Inspiration” , we don’t need to be intimidated to get inspired from relevant buildings. Once we develop our tools, it will lead us to high quality and creative architecture.




4 thoughts on “Zaha Hadid & Frank Lloyd Wright ….Do aspirations for reality begins in our drawings?”

  1. I thank you, Mr. Inbar, for the quote of my post in your very interesting blog (that I will visit often by now). I note that our investigations are similar: you explore the Conscious Inspiration in Architecture and I the Drawing as a Creativity tool in different arts.
    Moreover, I think your involvement to a methodology of Conscious Inspiration has a great ethical value, because today we have replaced our Mind Tools with the Softwares Tools (this is most evident in the Digital Natives generation) and this produces cloned architectural projects, sons of softwares menus.
    Today a lot of architecture has lost its materiality (= its umanity), to become an aseptic materialization of the digital renderings (that’s nowadays the Reality has to look like the Invention and no longer the reverse).

    About Zaha Hadid and Frank Lloyd Wright (two of my favorite architects), I think it’s interesting to note their inspiration is the result of informations (from the Arabic calligraphic Art and Japanese Art) filtered by their “forma mentis” – that’s their mindset –Zaha Hadid has a degree in mathematics and Wright had attended the Madison faculty of Engineering. This explains why, before them, other architects have inspired by the same source, but producing only eclectic architecture, not powerful works such those of Hadid and Wright.
    With your well-chosen words: Knowledge + Tools.
    I’m planning a post about the Architects mindset, but I will write it as soon as I finish a current work for a factory. Best regards.

    1. Thanks for the detailed response
      I agree with you…. from my first visit to your blog ,
      I realized that we are examining similar issues … I must say it made me very happy….
      I thank you for the relevant information about Zaha Hadid and Frank Lloyd Wright
      I will continue reading your blog
      Stay in touch

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