Antoni Gaudi – “Conscious Inspiration”

Antoni Gaudi

Casa Mila’ – Apartment building

 Barcelona   1905-1912

Toyo Ito Architect

Apartment Building

“the Sea Wave Facade”  Barcelona   2009

Axis Mundi Architect

 Office building

 Barcelona   2010

J. Mayer Architects

JOH3 apartments

Berlin   2010

eliinbar Sketches 2010– “Conscious Inspiration”

Quote from Post written By Kai K. Gutschow Assoc. Prof. – Corneigie Mellon University , School of Architecture :

Much as in science or any other discipline, true innovation comes not from inventing something out of the blue and by yourself, but instead is only possible when one engages the profession, adds to an existing knowledge base, discourse, or dialogue, and opens up new frontiers on questions asked by yourself AND others. 

It is only by participating actively in the 2000 year old discourse of architecture that we can move ahead.   Only if we all begin to see our work as “research” can we begin to raise the level of architecture and the quality of ideas at the CMU SoA.    My suggestion: READ AS MUCH AS YOU CAN, on architecture, or any other subject that fascinates you, take notes, and let it influence your work! The best architects have a rich history of reading and loving books, of being bibliophile.


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3 thoughts on “Antoni Gaudi – “Conscious Inspiration””

  1. I think there is another building that seem with the La Pedrera that is Bounjour Tristeze by Alvaro Siza and that yes but not toyo Ito

  2. Pingback: O que foi o Art Nouveau « Milani e Queiroz

  3. Pingback: Art Nouveau | Faça Fácil Paco

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