Chicago Tribune tower Competition, 1922 and the “Conscious Inspiration Chain”

From  eliinbar’s Sketchbook , the “Conscious Inspiration Chain”

Conscious Inspiration” is practicing and acquiring tools to improve observation and differentiation of details.

On June 10, 1922, the Chicago Tribune hosted an international design competition for its new headquarters, and offered $100,000 in prize money with a $50,000 1st prize for “the most beautiful and distinctive office building in the world“. The competition worked brilliantly for months as a publicity stunt, and the resulting entries still reveal a unique turning point in American architectural history. More than 260 entries were received.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Adolf Loos and Walter Gropius / Adolf Meyer

participate in the competition, but did not win.

Their admissions, without doubt, are the sources of inspiration for generations of architects.

Loos proposal is a classical example Of the Postmodernism Style, characteristic of the 80’s, And Gropius proposal is an Initial sample for the Modernist and Bauhaus Style.( dominant pattern , individual office windows; Horizontal projections)

Adolf Loos architect

   Chicago Tribune Competition entry , 1922

Walter Gropius / Adolf Meyer architects  

Chicago Tribune Competition entry, 1922

eliinbar Sketches 2011  the Chicago Tribune tower Competition, 1922  “Conscious Inspiration Chain”

I am preparing a“Conscious Inspiration Chain” for the Chicago Tribune Competition,

And I’m Searching for buildings that are inspired by the design of Loos and Gropius.
Please send your recommendations to my face book page “Conscious Inspiration”’ or Send a Comment.


Eli Inbar


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5 thoughts on “Chicago Tribune tower Competition, 1922 and the “Conscious Inspiration Chain””

  1. really interesting this web site! Congratulation!
    I need an information, I’m searching some example of construction, city masterplans that using tower (residential towers) to define the edge of the city…May you help me? Thanks…

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