From Eliinbar’s Sketch book 2012 –Frank Gehry and the “pile of boxes strategy”…..
Recently was published in Arch daily a mixed-use project …three “sculptural” residential towers designed by Frank Gehry .
As I showed in previous posts of mine, there is a common phenomenon among successful architects that is worth checking out….
I call this phenomenon the “Multiplying architecture strategy”…. (Multiplying of architectural ideas or “Self inspiration”).
In a previous post of mine ,I showed one of the most common design strategies Frank Gehry applies in his projects…. I Call it the “pile of boxes strategy”….
It started in the 80s ….
One of the most successful buildings designed by Frank Gehry according to the “pile of boxes strategy”, is in my opinion, the public library in Hollywood, shown in the next image.
Frank Gehry Architect
Public Library Hollywood Branch
USA 1983–1986
Three years later Frank Gehry designed the unique Schnabel House (shown in the next image) applying once more his “pile of boxes strategy”…..
Frank Gehry Architect
Schnabel House
Brentwood, California 1989
Eight years later Frank Gehry designed the Guggenheim Abu Dhabi (shown in the next image) according to the “pile of boxes strategy”…..
Frank Gehry Architect
working model of Guggenheim Abu Dhabi
2007 , courtesy of hoss gifford
And Five years later Frank Gehry designs three towers in Toronto…. Notice especially the one on the right ,designed according to the “pile of boxes strategy”…..
Frank Gehry and Mirvish mixed-use project
three, “sculptural” residential towers
Published in ARCHDAILY.COM Oct 2012
in my Facebook
A short Comment….
Frank Gehry’s “pile of boxes strategy” is not just a “unique morphology”, that we experience from the outside….
Frank Gehry’s strategy has other advantages….
Look at the next interior images of the Schnabel House …
The “pile of boxes strategy” is an original and exciting technique to put in the building, natural light.
Frank Gehry Architect
Schnabel House ,Internal photo
Brentwood, California 1989
Frank Gehry Architect
Schnabel House, Internal photo
Brentwood, California 1989
In my previous posts I published numerous “Design Strategies” = “TOOLS” ”= “Codex rules”, of talent and well known architects
You are invited to visit my previous posts and learn more about ”Codex rules” of leading architects like Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Rem Koolhaas, Morphosis and others….
Here is a short list of my previous posts , Presenting the “Design Strategies” = “TOOLS” ”= “Codex rules” of leading architects
1. Zaha Hadid & Frank Lloyd Wright ….Do aspirations for reality begins in our drawings?
2. Morphosis “Floor plan strategy”
3. Learning from Frank Gehry ….Chapter 1 ,His Design Tools
4. Learning from Frank Gehry ….Chapter 2 His floor plan Strategy
5. Learning from Frank Gehry . ….Chapter 3 – the “Clinging Statue Strategy”
6. Learning from Zaha Hadid
7. Bjarke Ingels Group – BIG….how they do it?
Once we develop our “TOOLS”=”Codex rules”, it will lead us to high quality and creative architecture.
The abundance of information in the Web affects us all, as I illustrate in my posts.
I Believe that designing is a process formed from three main phases: knowledge, tools and invention.
“Knowledge”: as many said, and wrote before – Knowledge is the foundation for all designing process. We architects and designers are obliged to be informed about everything that was designed in the past and on a daily basis….
“Tools”: develop tools to analyze buildings and “Understand” them, tools that will cope with the abundance of architectural information…
(I intend to demonstrate some of my ideas in future posts)
“Invention”: with the methodology of “conscious Inspiration” , we don’t need to be intimidated to get inspired from relevant buildings. Once we develop our tools, it will lead us to high quality and creative architecture.
Eli Inbar