Inspiration from existing buildings…. Apparently we can get inspired from a number of buildings simultaneously


–   Eliinbar’s sketches 2011 – Spiral Architecture

Today post presents for the seventh time, my New “Conscious Inspiration” project…. 100 Conscious projects in 200 days

100projects in 200 days that we can easily Identify their Inspiration sources

These projects are published in ARCHDAILY the world’s most visited architecture website

The inspiration sources for the 100 projects ,are not nature in full bloom ,or wonderful music,not exciting prose

Their inspiration sources are existing buildings


 ? What does it indicates about us

It indicates that there is an expanding phenomenon and we can not  ignore it

Architects are inspired by existing buildings as a method

? So what’s the problem 

The problem is that some of us are experiencing difficulty getting inspired from existing buildings

Sometimes the result of this process, looks more like “Copy-paste” rather than conscious inspiration


? So how to get inspired consciously from existing buildings


You are invited to join me to a very short journey uncovering the inspiration sources of a Snailtower designed by Künnapu & Padrik Architects

 published lately in ARCHDAILY

In my privious post we saw how Steven Holl Is inspiered consciously from Le Corbusier‘s  La Tourette  monastery

Le Corbusier’s La Tourette  monastery, is Steven Holl’s  Inspiration building

The Snailtower building , published lately in ARCHDAILY, is characterized by a variety of sources of inspirations

for you to judge

  What was the “floor plans strategy” of the “SnailTower” designers

This is Zvi Hecker’s floorplan for the  spiral apartment house in Ramat gan Israel, designed and built in the 70s

Published in

Zvi Hecker's floorplan for the  spiral apartment house in Ramat gan Israel, designed and built in the 70s.

And this is the Snailtower typical floor plan

Published in ARCHDAILY in may 2013

Snailtower typical floor plan

Notice the spiral floorplan with the apartments grouped around a central, load bearing column within which all the service functions were located. In the Spiral House, the retaining column has been removed and replaced by an open courtyard

The Spiral House deploys the principle of terracing typical of Arab villages where the roof is used as part of the living space for the apartments. The organization of the living spaces around an interior courtyard and the use of inexpensive, readily available materials are local components that compliment the geometric order based on a spiral.


For more information about “Spiral Architecture” you are invited to browse to my relevant post  : Spiral architecture & Conscious Inspiration


?What was the Snailtower’s designers facades strategy

This is the well Known Zollverein School of Management & Design, designed by SANAA in the early 2000. Essen,Germany 2003-2006


And this is the Snailtower typical façade

building year : 2008

Published in ARCHDAILY in may 2013

Snailtower typical façade

Notice the dominant principle of the “Ideal Disorder” in the Snailtower  and SANAA’s building facades

Square openings , with different sizes and proportions, scattered on the building façade

For more information about  the Ideal Disorder Design Strategy

 you are invited to browse to my relevant post  : MVRDV, Rafael Moneo and SANAA are leading the age of the Ideal Disorder Design Strategy

From Eliinbar's sketchbook 2012 Ideal Disorder Design Strategy

From Eliinbar’s sketchbook 2012 – Ideal Disorder Design Strategy


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