Kazuyo Sejima+Ryue Nishizawa = SANAA Multiplying architecture Consciously = ”Conscious Inspiration”?- part two

Ryue Nishizawa and kazuyo sejima are partners in

SANAA, a leading architecture office.

Ryue Nishizawa also owns his private design office.

Here is Interesting phenomenon…. worth a view….

This is the second example from three, of what I call “Multiplying Architecture Consciously” (doubling of architectural ideas Consciously)

SANAA Architects

 Zollverein School of Management & Design

 Essen,Germany  2003-2006

Ryue Nishizawa architect

 Moriyama House

 Tokyo, Japan 2005

eliinbar Sketches 2011– “Multiplying Architecture Consciously”

  Three-dimensional  inspirational relationship:

Moriyama House   Typical floor plan

What did I learn from this post? 

1. An inspiration source can be your own project.

2. A floor plan can be an Inspiration source, and it can inspire your façade. 

Practically your design process is your inspiration source…. 

I can even suggest a name for this design process -“Conscious Inspiration

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5 thoughts on “Kazuyo Sejima+Ryue Nishizawa = SANAA Multiplying architecture Consciously = ”Conscious Inspiration”?- part two”

  1. very interisting post! i love the concept
    i’m french student in architecture and i search the plan of the house with coupes, elevation, … in DWG it’s really important can you help me?

    1. Sorry but I have no DWG files of this project
      Do what I do these cases….
      Contact your network search engines
      Bonne chance.. restez en contact

  2. Pingback: SANNA,SANNA,SANNA is it real? Or a conscious dream…. « Someone Has Built It Before

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