From Eliinbar’s Sketch book 2012 – Le Corbusier, the most significant source of inspiration for architects, in the last century.
This Post is about a dominant morphology that was first applied by Le Corbusirer at the 50th.,….
I call it the “sloping cylinder“
The next image is Le Corbusier’s Palace of the Assembly in Chandigarh
Notice the dominant sloping cylinder on the roof of Palace of the Assembly in Chandigarh.
Le Corbusier Architect
Palace of the Assembly
Chandigarh, India 1953 to 1963
Published in ARCHDAILY – AD Classics
Mario Botta is recognized as a “Conscious Inspiration Follower” of le Corbusier,
You are invited to visit a relevant previous post of mine….
The main idea shown in the post, is presented in the next sketch
Eliinbar’s Sketches 2010 Le Corbusier the most significant source of inspiration for architects, in the last century
Mario Botta was one of the first architects who were inspired from the dominant morphology of the Palace of the Assembly in Chandigarh.
Following this inspiration…. Mario Botta designed some significant buildings in the 20th century
Here are two of Mario Botta’s most significant buildings inspired by Le Corbusier’s Palace of the Assembly in Chandigarh
Mario Botta architect
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA)
San Francisco California USA 1995
Mario Botta Architect
Evry Cathedral
Evry, France Completion 1996
The next images are showing another example of a typical “Conscious Inspiration Chain”
The short story starts in the 50 s with Le Corbusier’s Palace of the Assembly in Chandigarh…. It continues with Mario Botta and his dominant buildings designed in the 80 s and 90 s ,and reaches its peak with Rem Koolhaas’s Prada Pavilion designed in the beginning of the 21 century
Le CorbusierArchitect
Palace of the Assembly Chandigarh
India 1953 to 1963
Mario Botta Architect
Church of St. John the Baptist Mogno
Switzerland 1986-1996
Rem Koolhaas Architect
Prada Pavilion
Seoul ,South Korea 2009
From Eliinbar’s Sketch book 2012– Le Corbusier the most significant source of inspiration for architects, in the last century
A short Comment….
Certainly Le Corbusier is the most significant “Source of Inspiration” for architects, in the last century.
At this point of my journey, I want to distinguish between two planning processes….
Conscious Inspiration and Unconscious Inspiration as it sometimes called “Copy Paste”
Unfortunately Le Corbusier is also the most significant “Source of Inspiration” for architects who their planning processes is more like the “Unconscious inspiration”……..
I intend in my future posts to give examples and explain the significance of the “Conscious Inspiration Method” for us architects….
in my Facebook
The “Conscious Inspiration” Method, How it Works?
First step: the inspiration Source.
Second step: Developing the Conscious Inspiration tools.
Third step: Realize the design idea.
A “small talk” about “Conscious inspiration”
With the methodology of “conscious Inspiration”, we don’t need to be intimidated to get inspired from relevant buildings.
Be inspired consciously from existing buildings, and you will experience a unique design process that will serve your creative desires….
But first we must develop our “TOOLS” or in other words, our” Codex rules”….
The abundance of information in the Web affects us all, as I illustrate in my posts.
I Believe that designing is a process formed from three main phases: knowledge, tools and invention.
“Knowledge”: as many said, and wrote before – Knowledge is the foundation for all designing process. We architects and designers are obliged to be informed about everything that was designed in the past and on a daily basis….
“Tools”: develop tools to analyze buildings and “Understand” them, tools that will cope with the abundance of architectural information…
(I intend to demonstrate some of my ideas in future posts)
“Invention”: with the methodology of “conscious Inspiration” , we don’t need to be intimidated to get inspired from relevant buildings. Once we develop our tools, it will lead us to high quality and creative architecture.
Eli Inbar
1 thought on “Le Corbusier…. Do we need more evidence that he is the most significant source of inspiration for architects, in the last century?”
fevrtg4!”#$%&/()=? JUST AMAZING….