Learning from Frank Gehry ….Chapter 3 – the most successful “floor plan Strategy”….

Inspiration sketch Gallery (ISG) by Eli Inbar

This post summarizes my “micro trilogy” about Frank Gehry’s “floor plan Strategies”

I will share with you. Gehry’s most considered building, with what I believe, the most successful “floor plan Strategy”…. The Guggenheim museum in Bilbao,Spain.

First  I will present The EMR Communication and Technology Center.

This building is a typical  example of Gehry’s characteristic “Floor plan Strategy” in the mid 90th.

I call this strategy the“Personal fan shape strategy”.

Gehry’s first  step, is to design unique morphological-forms.

Then weaves them in to a wonderful composition…. (It will be fascinating to trace Gehry’s inspiration sources when designing does unique morphological forms …. I already have some ideas I will share them with you, in my next posts).

Gehry’s EMR Communication and Technology Center


“Gehry’s first  step, is to design unique morphological-forms.

Then weaves them in to a wonderful composition…. “

Germany 1992-1995

Gehry’s EMR Communication and Technology Center

 First floor plan

the “Personal fan shape strategy

The Guggenheim museum in Bilbao

Spain 1991-1997, is one of Gehry’s most known buildings.

(Model view from above)

The Guggenheim museum First floor plan is a characteristic example of a combination of two of Gehry’s floor plans strategies, the “Sculptural Warping Strategy” that is represented in my previous post and the “Personal fan shape strategy” shown above, By the EMR Communication and Technology Center.

Eliinbar sketches 2011, .  …. Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim museum in Bilbao, floor plan Strategy

Inspiration sketch Gallery (ISG) by Eli Inbar

What did I learn from this post?

Gehry does not give up his desire for creativity and uniqueness.

Over the years Gehry develops new floor plan Strategies (Codex rules), and implement them in his designs to realize his architectural vision.

His Strategies is directed to provide a novel and unique interpretation to the common “boxes”

Gehry’s Quate:  “Ninety-eight percent of buildings are boxes,which tells me that a lot of people are in denial. We live and work in boxes. People don’t even notice that”

Developing tools (Codex rules) is something we can learn as a method.

I can even suggest a name for this method “Conscious Inspiration”.

You are invited to visit my relevant posts

Learning from Frank Gehry ….Chapter 1 ,His Design Tools


Learning from Frank Gehry ….Chapter 2  His floor plan Strategy



in my Facebook

The Conscious Inspiration Methode:

I believe that designing is a process formed from three main phases:  knowledge, tools and invention.

“Knowledge”:  as many said, and wrote before – Knowledge is the foundation for all designing process. We architects and designers are obliged to be informed about everything that was designed in the past and on a daily basis….

“Tools”= (“Codex rules”) develop tools to analyze buildings and “Understand” them,  tools that will cope with the abundance of architectural information…

(I intend to demonstrate some of my ideas in future posts)

“Invention”:  with the methodology of “conscious Inspiration” , we don’t need to be intimidated to get inspired from relevant buildings.  Once we develop our tools, it will lead us to high quality and creative architecture.

Eli Inbar

All pictures and floor plans are taken from EL CROQUIS  Frank Gehry 1991-1995





5 thoughts on “Learning from Frank Gehry ….Chapter 3 – the most successful “floor plan Strategy”….”

  1. Pingback: Frank Gehry’s creative process, how he comes up with among the most distinctive building designs in the world? – “Conscious Inspiration”? « Someone Has Built It Before

  2. Pingback: Learning from Frank Gehry ….Chapter 5, dealing with economic reality?…. « Someone Has Built It Before

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