Rem Koolhaas & MVRDV-“Conscious Inspiration”5

MVRDV Architects

Model-Berlin Voids

 Competition 1991

Rem Koolhaas Architect

Musem Plaza

Louisville- USA – 2006

Eliinbar”s Sketchbook,2011

I am proud to announce the opening of my new

Inspiration Sketch Gallery (ISG)

 You are invited to visit the gallery and to enjoy my sketches .

Here is a very short video that my youngest son photographed, my daughter edited and the eldest son chose the background music, documenting , the preparation process of a sketch.

They called it “ Sketch is born

Note that you see the video from the viewpoint of my eyes, How did they do it?

 music by Nicolas Jaar


Sketch is born by Eli Inbar

Visit my new Inspiration Sketch Gallery (ISG) in ETSYInspiration sketch Gallery (ISG) by Eli Inbar


in my Facebook




10 thoughts on “Rem Koolhaas & MVRDV-“Conscious Inspiration”5”

  1. …as much as this might flatter MVRDV, I am quite sure that Joshua Ramus did not use this as an inpiration for the Museum Plaza. The thing with your comparisons is that they lack intelligence and insight into the program. It is purely esthetical. I would like to receive an answer from you.

    1. Hi Jan,

      Thank you for your elaborate feedback!

      I highlighted MVRDV in a previous post as a world-leading inspirational architectural office.

      In my blog, I juxtapose examples of projects without the intention to insinuate that one architect copied from another, but rather to spur a dialog among architects.
      The goal is to encourage an architectural planning process that I like to call Conscious Inspiration.

      I am obviously not the first to consider this approach:
      Le Corbusier mentions in one of his books that his sources of inspiration for the Cathedral of Ron Champ was Villa Adriana at Tivoli. The French architect Emile Aillaud describes in his writings that his source of inspiration for 3 office buildings in LA Defense (near Paris) was the Piazza Dei Miracoli with the Tower of Pisa. Louis Kahan eventually got his inspiration to design the Hurva Synagogue from the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, and Tadao Ando traveled all over Europe to get inspired by existing buildings as a way to train him self to become an architect..

      So far, I have only scratched the surface of this concept, and I am in the beginning of this journey. I believe the journey itself may lead us architects to a more rigorous architectural planning.

      Once again, many thanks!


      1. Hi Eli I strongly abide your intention to spur a dialog or even better, a discussion amongst architects. However with all due respect, I feel the need to agree with Jan by stating that there´s practically nothing in common between the two buildings. I think both architect´s have questioned themselves the program very early in the design process but from very different aspects. Winy Maas´s team was propossing different “ideal houses” and through a complex game of “tetris” they came up with a very interesting proposal from the formal point of view, whilst Ramus´s focus was the different characteristics of the multi-purpose program. From this angle I find it close to Zaha´s “Hotel in 42nd street” project for New York. In any case I find there´s no coincidence in the fact that they have all worked at some time or other under Rem Koolhaas´s supervision in OMA, wich I think is the leading architectural firm. All the best


      2. hi Peter
        Thank you for your elaborate feedback.
        I agree with you…. both of these buildings has nothing significantly in common (typology, function, “style”, etc. )….

        I thank you for the opportunity to clarify once again the principles of “inspiration Conscious”….

        Recently I came across a Venturi’s book from the year 1972 “ Learning From Las Vegas”
        I invite you to read my next post quoting relevant section of Venturi’s book.
        I believe this quotes will make clear what I intend to find out in my journey.
        A Journey where I trace the inspiration sources of gifted architects ….
        once again many thanks
        Eli Inbar

  2. Pingback: Le Corbusier Is probably the “Conscious Inspiration” Father, but without doubt, Rem Koolhaas is the Contemporary Inspiration Source for leading architects | Someone Has Built It Before

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