SANAA,SANAA,SANAA is it real? Or a conscious dream….

On a regular base I surf my favorites Internet architecture and design sites, to be informed….

Yesterday I ran into a common example of Conscious Inspiration…. or maybe not ….

I found this example on DEZEEN, an online magazine on architecture and design….

For you to judge….

In a previous post of mine I raised the thought that architects are getting inspired from their own designs ….they multiply their architecture consciously….

I gave the example of two of SANAA’s buildings shown in my next sketch

eliinbar Sketches 2011– “Multiplying Architecture Consciously”

I also claimed that your design process can be your inspiration source….

And as example,  I proposed Moriyama’s  typical floor plan shown in the next image, designed by Ryue Nishizawa (SANAA) 

As the Inspiration Source for the Moriyama house facades designed as well by Ryue Nishizawa (SANAA)  in Tokyo , Japan 2005.   (Shown in the next image)

Notice the Moriyama floor plan ….spaces of various sizes in square shapes and in random order…Intriguing morphological similarity to SANAA’s Moriyama’s House facade


Is Moriyama’s house typical floor planSANAA’s Inspiration source?….

 Can a floor plan inspire your façade?


And the next Building was published in DEZEEN in 1 June 2012

Atelier Deshaus

Qingpu Youth Centre

published in DEZEEN  in June 2012

The next image is Qingpu Youth Centre’s Typical floor plan

eliinbar Sketches 2012

“You Tell I” … Can we ignore this phenomenon?

In my opinion, we must develop a method of teaching and training new architects, that will cope with a new reality , characterized by the availability of  information……..

I can even suggest a name for it …. the “conscious inspiration method”.

“Conscious Inspiration” – to be inspired consciously….


in my Facebook

“Conscious Inspiration” the ultimate inspiration methodology

I invite you all to contribute in developing the attitude and tools towards the viability of the “Conscious Inspiration” Method.

The abundance of information in the Web affects us all, as I illustrate in my posts.

I believe that designing is a process formed from three main phases:knowledgetools and invention.

Knowledge”: as many said, and wrote before – Knowledge is the foundation for all designing process. We architects and designers are obliged to be informed about everything that was designed in the past and on a daily basis….

Tools”: develop tools to analyze buildings and “Understand” them,tools that will cope with the abundance of architectural information…tools that encourage your planning process….tools matching your skills and generating your creative process….

(You are invited to visit earlier posts of mine showing leading architects tools…. )

Invention”: with the methodology of “conscious Inspiration” , we don’t need to be intimidated to get inspired from relevant buildings. Once we develop our tools, it will lead us to high quality and creative architecture.




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