Steven Holl ,Louis Kahn and Herzog de Meuron. You too , I found “In My Backyard”?

‏‏Eliinbar Sketches Steven Holl Luis Kahn - עותק

Eliinbar Sketches 2018 – Steven Holl ,Louis Kahn and Herzog de Meuron

In My Backyard

This is my last post from “My Backyard

A series of posts, In which I present for your review, buildings that I found “in my backyard” and photographed them for you.

All buildings are within 60 km from home

The choice to photograph these buildings was not random

They remind me of forgotten posts

For you to judge

This is Steven Holl‘s – Simons Hall , from 1992

Notice to the clear characteristics of the building envelope ,repetitive square windows without a clear reference to internal functions


A different angle to the Steven Holl’s  Simons Hall , from 1992


And this is Steven Holl’s Sliced Porosity Block project In  Chengdu, Sichuan ,China


Notice to the clear characteristics of the building envelope,

repetitive square windows without a clear reference to internal functions

Linked Hybrid


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Six years later

I photographed this building in “In my backyard“ 04012016,200147 For you to judge

You are welcome to visit previous and  relevant posts of mine:


Inspiration from existing buildings = Conscious Inspiration….”If You’re Gonna Do It, Do It Right”

Expo 2010-Republic of Korea Pavilion-Multi Inspirations Building

BIRD NEST typology

This is the National Stadium –designed by Hezog De Meuron Architects

 the “bird nest” Beijing   2001-2008

Notice the dominant BIRD NEST typology


Ten years later

I photographed this building in “my backyard

Bird Nest Design

For you to judge

And finally, a sketch by Louis Kahn from the 1960s 

I found in Louis Kahn’s archives:


A sketch of the

Baltimore Inner Harbor , designed by Louis Kahn in


Notice to the clear characteristics of the building envelope,

repetitive square windows combined with diagonal beams

This is once more ,Steven Holl’s  Sliced Porosity Block project In  Chengdu, Sichuan ,China  2007-2012     

From a different angle


‏‏Eliinbar Sketches Steven Holl Luis Kahn - עותק


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1 thought on “Steven Holl ,Louis Kahn and Herzog de Meuron. You too , I found “In My Backyard”?”

  1. Eli, you have a great website and I love your sketching style. Simple but gets the point across. I’m so grateful you keep posting.

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