Steven Holl Architect
Sketch for Naning _ Chaina _ 2002
Zaha Hadid Architect
The Opus Commercial Towers _ Dubai _ 2007
Zaha Hadid Architect
King Abdullah II house of Culture and Art _ Amman _ 2010
BIG Architects
Ted Building _ Taiwan _ Competition 2010
eliinbar Sketches 2010
Rolex Learning Center by SANAA Architects
Does this building demonstrats how the”Conscious inspiration method” works?
This building designed by SANAA, a leading Architecture firm, is on my opinion an interpretation to the Steven Holls’ “Sponge Concept”.
If you are interested in SANAA Inspiration Sources
You are invited to visit my recent and relevant post
Check .com/2010/05/ the CONSCIOUS INSPARATION PAGE
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