Archive for BMW’s new 7 Series 2012

Zaha Hadid and BMW’s new 7 Series 2012 tail light

Posted in public buildings with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on July 25, 2012 by eliinbar

It seems that “Conscious Iinspiration” is everywhere….

You have noticed already that lately I’m more aware to the car industry.

Here is an interesting example that I can’t explain,  apart from the possibility that this is another good example of “Conscious inspiration”.

We saw already, in my previous post, that architects are inspired from the fashion world, and that fashion is inspired from architecture….

Is it possible that car designers are inspired by a famous building?

Well look at this example…. For you to judge

This is the interior image of the maxxi-museum galleries in Rome designed by Zaha Hadid.

Notice the dominant pattern of the continuous parallel and curved shape ceiling.

 The Zaha Hadid ‘s MAXXI Museum in Rome is one of the most popular buildings in the Web (if you check Google trends) it was designed and built from1999 to 2009

And this is a close look to BMW’s new 7 Series 2012 tail light 

Do you notice the similarity between the flowing parallel lines characterizing the ceiling of the MAXXI museum  ,and the tail light of BMW new 7 Series?

Eliinbar’s Sketches 2012– Zaha Hadid and the inspirational “Continuous fluid movement motif”

Actually it is not really surprising to identify distinctive characteristics in the cars industry, inspired from architecture.

Who said “Conscious Inspiration” is Limited only to Architecture ?….

You are invited to visit previous relevant posts of mine:

What is common between Le Corbusier , Kia Sportage third generation and “Conscious Inspiration”?

What is common between “conscious inspiration”and the car industry? Ask the manufacturers of Aston Martin, Ford, Peugeot, Citroën, Lexus, Audi, Hyundai, Subaru, Opel, Mercedes, Mini cooper, Honda and who not….


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