From Eliinbar Sketchbook 2018- world cup 2018
If you go back and write a blog, then there is no better time than during the World Football Championship.
The stadiums in Russia
World cup 2018 are Updated.
One drew my eyes more than others,
The SAMARA stadium
A wonderful example of CONSCIOUS INSPIRATION
In this post I will emphasize the differences between Conscious Inspiration and Copy Paste
In 1957, the engineer Pier Luigi Nervi and the architect Annibale Vitellozzi, planned the Pallazzetto dello Sport In Rome, Shown in the picture below.
The building was built of a concrete structure, typical of the period.
Notice the dominant morphological configuration of the dome and the concrete base, exposed in the form of triangles.
60 years later, GMP Architekten completes the design of the Samara Stadium for the 2018 World Football Championship in Russia.
The building is built from advanced steel construction that enables dealing with large spans.
Notice the dominant morphological configuration of the dome and the metal base, exposed in the form of triangles.
Palazzetto dello sport during construction, concrete structure.
Samara Stadium during construction , advanced steel construction. (World cup 2018)
What did I learned from this post?
Talented architects, plan from a place of familiarity and exploration of existing buildings.
They understand the contribution, of this work process (Conscious Inspiration) to their planning quality.
At the end of the process, significant architecture is created.
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On the other side , we all know that this too happens:
FNB Stadium 2009
Mordovia Arena 2010-2018 (World cup 2018)
For you to judge