Zaha Hadid and the “Floating Buildings Trend”

Zaha Hadid is probably leading a world architectural trend I like to call the “Floating Buildings Trend”.

If I may express my opinion…. Zaha Hadid’s visionary “Floating Buildings” are a solution worth learning and experiencing ….In hot countries like mine…. it’s a relevant solution for overcrowded cities, lacking covered urban spaces.

The following image is a project designed by Zaha Hadid in Moscow. It is the Expo Centre exhibition halls and residential tower project.

Zaha Hadid Architects

Expo Centre exhibition halls and residential tower project

Moscow Russia Published in 2007 ( for more pictures and plans see the internet Magazine WAN)

From Eliinbar Sketch book 2012 – the“Floating buildings trend

Here is a Sketch, published in a previous post of mine.  It examines the option that Zaha Hadid’s inspiration sources for the “Floating buildings trend” are Le Corbusier’s visionary piloties, developed in the 50s….

For the complete story of this sketch , you are invited to visit my post:

The next sketch, examines Steven Holl’s Interpretation to the “Floating buildings trend

From Eliinbar Sketch book 2012 -the “Floating buildings trend

For the complete story of this sketch , you are invited to visit my post

And finally a sketch that examines a “Cousin” of the “Floating buildings trend” the “Moving Buildings Trend” that its origins are probably the Archigram-group that worked in the 60s

For the complete story of this sketch. You are invited to visit my post:

“Conscious Inspiration” – to be inspired consciously….


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