Zaha Hadid And the morphology of the “aggressive snake motif”2

In a previous post of mine I presented Zaha Hadid’s repetitive morphological structure I like to call the “Aggressive snake motif”.(a floating  structure characterized by a sloping edge) she duplicate it in her designs from time to time, with minor changes….

Here is a typical example of Zaha Hadid’s “Aggressive snake motif”. Notice the “Aggressive snake motif”. A structure floating over the museum entrance

Zaha Hadid Architects

 MAXXI Museum

Rome , Italy 1999-2009

And this is a sketch that shows two more of Zaha Hadid’s “Aggressive snake motif” designs. For more of Zaha Hadid’s relevant buildings, you are invited to visit my previous post

From Eliinbar Sketch book 2012 – Zaha Hadid’s “aggressive snake motif

Apparently Zaha Hadid’saggressive snake motifis the inspiration source for other talented architects. 

In this post I will show some of them….

For you to judge..

Bernardo Rodrigues Architect

private house  S. Michael Island in the Azores

published in on May 25, 2011

Holzer Kobler Architekturen

Visitor center and observation tower

Wangen , Saxony-Anhalt, Germany  2007, published in  Arch Daily 2012

JGMA (Moreno Architects)

first ground up school

Chicago, Illinois -published in Arch Daily 2010

Werner Tscholl Architects

Brenner Pass

Italy 2010– published in  Arch Daily 2012

Kengo Kuma & Associates

Cheng Du, China 2011

Published in Arch Daily 2012

From Eliinbar Sketch book 2012 – Zaha Hadid’s “aggressive snake motif

Thanks to Alexander Møller Who drew my attention to the following example

3XN Architects

Museum of Liverpool


Are you curious to know what are Zaha Hadid’s inspiration sources for the “aggressive snake motif”?

Here is a sketch who traces its origins  ….  for you to judge..

from Eliinbar’s Sketch book 2010  Peter Eisenman & Zaha Hadid

For more relavent information about the origins of the “aggressive snake motif” ,you are invited to visit my previous post.

Peter Eisenman & Zaha Hadid – “Conscious Inspiration”


in my Facebook




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