Zaha Hadid and the “Inspired Time Machine”


A Sketch by Eli Inbar description of Zaha Hadid's Galaxy Soho, Beijing inspiration from Foster's London city hall and Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim Museum

From Eliinbar’s sketchbook 2013 -Zaha Hadid Inspiration Sources

From time to time I come across a building that explains everything.

Recently been completed the construction of Zaha Hadid‘s Galaxy Soho in Beijing China.

What are the sources of inspiration for this building

I can think about two sources of inspiration for the Zaha Hadid‘s Galaxy Soho.

Frank Lloyd Write‘s Guggenheim Museum’s is  Zaha Hadid‘s  Source of Knowledge,

And Foster‘s London City Hall is the “Source of Inspiration“.

Each one of them has a different role in generating Zaha Hadid‘s design for the Galaxy Soho.

For You to judge

Zaha Hadid’s “Source of Knowledge”

Frank Lloyd Wright  Architect Guggenheim Museum View from outside

Frank Lloyd Wright  Architect

Guggenheim Museum

View from outside 1959

Frank Lloyd Wright  Architect Guggenheim Museum interior 1959

Frank Lloyd Wright  Architect

Guggenheim Museum

interior 1959

Zaha Hadid’s “Source of Inspiration”

Outside View

Norman Foster and Ken Shuttle worth architects London City Hall  2002

Norman Foster and Ken Shuttle worth architects

London City Hall



Norman Foster and Ken Shuttle worth architects London City Hall  2002

Norman Foster and Ken Shuttle worth architects

London City Hall


Zaha Hadid‘s Realization Invention

Outside view

Zaha Hadid's Architects Galaxy Soho Beijing China 2012

Zaha Hadid Architects

Galaxy Soho

Beijing China 2012

For more information visit ARCHDAlLY


Zaha Hadid's Architects Galaxy Soho Beijing China interior  2012

Zaha Hadid Architects

Galaxy Soho, Beijing China


A Sketch by Eli Inbar describition of Zaha Hadid's Galaxy Soho, Beijing inspartion from Foster's London city hall and Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim Museum

From  Eliinbar’s sketchbook 2013 -Zaha Hadid Inspiration Sources

Note the unique peripheral windows

Also note to the dominant oval building profile


Zaha Hadid's Architects Galaxy Soho

Zaha Hadid Architects Galaxy Soho

Note the sophistication of this building.

It is characterized by varying shapes and sizes,

But built with  repetitive elements (for example, the coverings of the horizontal curving  elements)

Can anyone tell me how to get out of here? (:


I could not pass pass out the following phenomenon recently published in ARCHDAlLY .

Is this example is more of “Conscious Inspiration” or more of “Copy Past”?

What do you think?

Oiio Reveals Proposal for  Frank Lloyd Wright's    Guggenheim Museum   Expansion 2013

Oiio reveals proposal for

Frank Lloyd Wright’s

Guggenheim Museum

 Expansion 2013

For more information visit ARCHDAlLY

A “short talk” about “Conscious Inspiration” January 2013

Inspiration” or “Copy Paste” are the most dominant phenomenon of the 21st century among architects.

Most likely , the “availability of information” enables the existence of the phenomenon.

The abundance of information in the Web affects us all… I present it every week in my blog, accompanied by my explanation sketches.

We saw more than once, differences between “Conscious Inspiration” and “copy paste” are not so big…

With this challenge, the “Conscious inspiration Method” wants to cope.

I believe that the natural development of architecture design is based on inspiration techniques ….I call them “Codex Rules”.

I strive to develop a method.

A method that will help architects and designers to cope with this phenomenon, At this point in time, I call it the “Conscious Inspiration Method”…

With the methodology of “conscious Inspiration”, we don’t need to be intimidated to get inspired from relevant buildings.  Once we develop our tools =“Codex Rules”, it will lead us to high quality creative architecture.

The Conscious Inspiration Method‘,  How it Works?

First step: “knowledge”, as many said and wrote before; knowledge is the foundation for all designing process. We architects and designers are obliged to be informed about everything that was designed in the past and on a daily basis.

Second step: develop Conscious Inspiration personal  tools = “Codex Rules”.

Third step: the inspiration Source. (Don’t be intimidated to get inspired from relevant buildings).

Step Fourrealize your design idea (your invention).

Five “HOWS” of the “Conscious Inspiration Method

1. How to filter out relevant knowledge from the Web with abundance of information?

2. How to develop your own vision?

3. How to choose the right “Inspiration Sources” that empowers your vision?

4. How to develop your own personal design tools?

5. How to use your inspiration sources as the “Planning Process Generator”, and to design high quality creative architecture?





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