Zaha Hadid & Steven Holl – the “Sponge Concept” – “Conscious Inspiration”

Steven Holl Architect _ Sketch For Nanning – Chaina _ 2002

Zaha Hadid Architect _ The Opus Commercial Towers _ Dubai _ 2007

Zaha Hadid Architect _ King Abdullah II House of Culture and Art _ Amman _ 2010

Eliinbar sketches 2010

Zaha Hadid‘s King Abdullah II House of Culture and Art , Is a perfect match between Steven Holl’s  “Sponge Concept” morphology and the unique uses of the building.

Therefore, I think ,it is a good example of “CONSCIOUS INSPIRATION”.


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More buildings that got inspired by the  “Sponge Concept” :




Its’ Not a Building….






8 thoughts on “Zaha Hadid & Steven Holl – the “Sponge Concept” – “Conscious Inspiration””

  1. Pingback: Stephen King The Tommyknockers

  2. it is a good example of conscious inspiration, i agree, taking time out to think of something that can be developed into something else but with another specific and all together different purpose. its awesome.

  3. milton feferman Ph.D arch PENN

    Architects allways know what others are doing since the primitive hut..
    as a consequence they produce architectural languages and some words are similar like any language.
    Now if we are looking for a architect that had never copy anyone else is GOD when he designed the Solomon Temple…I am not shure if he delivered the idea on paper, engraving on a rook or else…
    Anyhow he is the only one free from the sin of similarity…and he cannot be cited in this lovely site.

    1. Thanks for the sympathetic response..

      In my blog I try to find out, what are the sources of inspiration for architects .

      It turns out ,architects around the world, get inspired mainly by abundance of architectural information, available online.

      It worked in a similar way for Frank Lloyd Wright, Louis Kahn ,Le Corbusier and Others.

      You are invited to visit my recent posts, where described architectural trends today.

      “Conscious Inspiration method” …. My vision dealing with the contemporary architectural challenges.
      “We don’t need to be intimidated to get inspired from relevant buildings…. Once we develop tools to understand them”.

      Once more…. thank you…. Your comments are very welcome
      Eli Inbar

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