Zaha Hadid “The slice effect”

  Zaha Hadid Architect
Performing arts centre Hague

the Netherlands Published July 21st, 2010

Here’s some information from Zaha Hadid Architects:

The new centre would house four music and dance institutions in one building clad with horizontal louvres.

In sharp contrast with the centre’s basic rectangular geometry, a fluid force field of horizontal louvers – that seemingly moves when graced by light and shadow – creates a playful language on the facade that articulates public circulation, foyers and the sculpted inner atrium, whilst at the same time allows visual connections out to the square as well as internal links between the various spaces of the project.

BIG Architects
Ted Building
 Taiwan –Competition 2010

The access through the building allows for ventilation, shade, and increased fenestration for the occupants.TED is a public building in Taiwan that uses a form and highly mixed program to encourage a large cross section of users., the 57 meter cubed building has an open section, or ‘street’ to allow full public access through the building. The access rises and dilates near the top of the building and opens onto a rooftop garden. The roof is to be a public park and informal performance area.



A Model of the Performing arts centre in Hague that emphasize the Zaha Hadid’s architectural idea about “The Slice effect”, Integrated with the “Sponge Concept”


A close look to the Ted Building , Showing’ “The Slice effect”, Integrated with the “Sponge Concept”    


I Announces the opening of the Zaha Hadid‘s Inspiration month

See you in the following posts….





6 thoughts on “Zaha Hadid “The slice effect””

    1. היי אבנר
      תודה על הדוגמה המצורפת
      .ועל רבות נוספות שאתה שולח
      בניין זה שאתנה מפנה אליו( הרצוג דה מורון )הוא פורץ דרך בקבוצת
      הבניינים עם חזית
      “רב שכבתית”
      בקרוב אני יוציא פוסט עם דוגמאות
      אופינייות לקבוצה זו
      הבניינים של הדיד ו
      המצורפים לפוסט האחרון שלי
      מתאפינים להבנתי בשתי תכונות יחודיות
      בנינינים לפי עיקרון
      של סטיבן הול
      ועיקרון בנית “המעטפת” עם אלמנטים אופקיים דמויי
      ” פרוסות”
      ותודה שוב על הדוגמאות הרלוונטיות שאתה מצרף לתגובותיך
      אלי ענבר

    1. Hi Audrey
      Thank you for your feedback!
      What do you think of the example in this post (

      Is this “Conscious Inspiration” or “copy-Past “?
      Does it really matter who was inspired by whom?

      In my blog, I juxtapose examples of projects without the intention to insinuate that one architect copied from another, but rather to spur a dialog among architects.
      The goal is to encourage an architectural planning process that I like to call Conscious Inspiration. (

      I am obviously not the first to consider this approach:
      Le Corbusier mentions in one of his books that his sources of inspiration for the Cathedral of Ron Champ was Villa Adriana at Tivoli. The French architect Emile Aillaud describes in his writings that his source of inspiration for 3 office buildings in LA Defense (near Paris) was the Piazza Dei Miracoli with the Tower of Pisa. Louis Kahan eventually got his inspiration to design the Hurva Synagogue from the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, and Tadao Ando traveled all over Europe to get inspired by existing buildings as a way to train him self to become an architect..

      So far, I have only scratched the surface of this concept, and I am in the beginning of this journey. I believe the journey itself may lead us architects to a more rigorous architectural planning.

      Eli Inbar

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