From Eliinbar’s Sketch book 2012 – Zaha Hadid And The “Arch Motif”
Zaha Hadid is undoubtedly leading the architectural trend, I like to call “Plastelina Buildings“ .
you are invited to visit my Post Zaha Hadid & “Plastelina Buildings”.
“Plastelina Buildings“ is a type of building difficult to detect its inspiration sources.
In this post I will try to identify a Zaha Hadid‘s typical inspiration source when she designs “Plastelina Buildings“ .
There are a large number of well known public buildings that their main entrance is characterized by an arch….
The main entrance to the Petit Palais in Paris, shown in the image below, is a typical example
Now let’s examine Zaha Hadid’s entrance to the chengdu-contemporary-art-centre in China
shown in the image Below
Notice to the main entrance (center of the building) is emphasized by a dominant arch …. it is a similar designing approach we identified in the “Petit Palais” in Paris
And now Observe the main entrance of the Nuragic and Contemporany Art Museum designed by Zaha Hadid , shown in the image Below.
It is also emphasized by an Impressive arch ….
And what about the Guggenheim-Hermitage-Museum arch, designed by Zaha hadid?
And the Zaha Hadid’s Dubai-opera-house main entrance…
And The typical arched entrance of the Nordpark Cable Railway designed by Zaha hadid
Another Arch entrance designed by Zaha Hadid. In the Regium Waterfront project in Italy
My Meditation Corner:
How many times I got up in the morning and an Inspiring new building was in my mind?
Maybe twice….
How many times I found myself at midnight, digging in my favorite architecture books….to be inspired?
Much more….
I want to share with you a typical page from my Sketch book.
This page demonstrates my own conscious design process…. (Described on this page the design process of the entry level floor plan, of a public building)
This is my “tool “I developed over the years, that helps me get inspired in a conscious way…. what is yours?
in my Facebook
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